Building Beyond Bricks: Contractors’ Journey to Business Amplification through FMC Financing

Building Beyond Bricks: Contractors’ Journey to Business Amplification through FMC Financing

Published March 5, 2024

Building Beyond Bricks: Contractors' Journey to Business Amplification through FMC Financing


Contractors' Journey to Business Amplification through FMC Financing

Driving more customers to your business shouldn’t be a long journey, today’s marketplace moves too quickly, and waiting on people to decide if they can afford to hire your services is not a recipe for success.

That’s why you need to get started on building your business in the best and most effective way possible, allowing you to expand your reach to more customers who are looking for the services you provide but can’t find an affordable provider who they can trust. Someone with your level of skill and training, at a cost that won’t break their monthly budget.

The solution is contractor financing through Fund My Contract. Our third party network of lenders can work with you to offer financing options that will bring potential customers closer to hiring your contracting services and perform the work they need on improving their home and property without the need for paying off the full cost of the project in one lump sum.

How Fund My Contract Amplifies Your Business

If there is one thing we have learned over the course of working with small and large businesses alike who have struggled with stagnant growth and lack of revenue, it’s that the financing process must be quick, easy, and beneficial for both the contractor and the customer.

Time and again, we’ve heard from contractors just like you how the approval process needs to be streamlined and the criteria more basic to ensure that more customers can qualify.

We heard you and we’ve delivered some of the most innovative financing programs and approval criteria in the industry. Your customers want the services of a highly-skilled contractor and they want to get a good deal on the cost. Now, with Fund My Contract in your corner, you can amplify the growth of your business through expansion and meeting the needs of your clients in the following ways:

Gain a Competitive Edge

Contractors are always seeking ways to get a leg up on the competition. It can be tough to stand out in the crowd and any edge you can get over the other guy will go a long way towards attracting more clients to build your business.

Offering new and existing customers the financing options to make your work more affordable and increasing your clients’ spending power will get you noticed over your competitors who haven’t chosen to provide financing programs to their customers.

Gain a Competitive Edge

Maintain Healthy Profit Margins

Too many contractors will try all kinds of things to attract more customers to hire their services. Unfortunately, that often means reducing the cost of their labor and that can often result in a company going out of business instead of saving it.

When you have to resort to lowering prices and generating less revenue to keep the lights on, you’re just prolonging the inevitable and, before long, your contracting company will cease to exist. But with financing programs through Fund My Contract, you can attract more customers by allowing them to pay for the work over low monthly installments and keep your profit margins healthy.

Higher Conversion Rates

When a customer approaches you to have some work done on their home or office, they have a project in mind that needs to be completed. But when they get the estimate, they may balk at the cost even if it’s a fair price. The customer will tell you they need to think about it or ultimately wait to have the work done (possibly even going to a competitor who does inferior quality work).

But with financing options through Fund My Contract, your customer doesn’t have to wait to have the work performed and you don’t have to wait to generate the revenue that helps grow your business. They can hire you now, on the spot, and have the work completed sooner (at higher quality by your hands).

Get Paid Faster and In Full

Our financing programs help you give your customers access to the funds they need to hire your services and complete their home improvement projects and other jobs without paying for the costs in one lump sum. But just because the customer doesn’t have the cash to pay upfront doesn’t mean you’re left waiting to get paid.

When you offer financing options to your customers, it gives them the ability to pay for the work over a series of low monthly installments with flexible terms. However, your business is paid in full once the customer fills out a financing application and receives approval for the funds they need to hire your contracting services.

The end result is higher revenue, increased customer satisfaction and more recommendations of your services to friends, family, and colleagues.

Reach Out to Fund My Contract Today

Reach Out to Fund My Contract Today

Why wait to succeed? Talk to one of our experts today and learn how contractor financing can set you on a fulfilling journey towards building your business by generating revenue, performing more jobs, and expanding faster than you might expect.

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