Growing Your Business: Expanding Contractor’s Success Through Home Improvement Financing

Growing Your Business: Expanding Contractor’s Success Through Home Improvement Financing

Published April 4, 2024

Growing Your Business: Expanding Contractor's Success Through Home Improvement Financing


Home Improvement Financing

Home improvement projects may be on the minds of your potential customers but they don’t always have immediate, available cash on hand to pay for the work in one lump sum. That usually means they need to wait, putting off the work until some later future date that may or may not ever come.

Your customers might be able to put those larger projects on the back burner until they can afford it, but where does that leave your home improvement business? When you’re unable to generate any revenue, your business suffers and each day you wait, the closer you get to closing up shop due to a lack of income. When it comes to steady business growth, you want every advantage possible to help you expand and thrive in a competitive market. That’s why you need Fund My Contract on your side.

We’ve been helping home improvement contractors offer attractive financing options with competitive interest rates and flexible payment plans to bring in more customers who need the services you provide but may not have the ability to pay for that work upfront in cash.

Boost your revenue and increase customer satisfaction with consumer financing options that allow you to expand your customer base and get hired for more jobs without waiting until those bigger projects fit in with a customer’s monthly budget.

Attract More Potential Customers with Financing Options

Financing solutions can bring in more new customers and have existing customers returning for future projects because they know your business gives them payment options for the work they need you to perform.

Most homeowners with dreams of completing a long-anticipated home improvement project may refrain from hiring you to do the work over financial concerns that put the cost of the work out of their price range. They may approach you with a job, your estimate for the work is fair, yet they still can’t commit to having you begin the work on that project because they want to “think it over” or “didn’t expect the cost to be that high”.

When in reality, they’re either shopping around for multiple bids or saving up until they’re in a better financial position to give you the greenlight. But when you offer financing options to make it easier and more affordable for customers to hire you, on the spot, you no longer have to wait to generate revenue and grow your business.

Home Improvement Financing for Sustainable Business Growth

As a contractor, you’re always looking for ways to bring in revenue and continue growing your business. Providing financing options through Fund My Contract not only makes it easier for more clients to hire your services but it can also give you the competitive edge over other contractors in your area.

Our network of third-party lending partners are ready to work with small and big businesses alike to help stimulate expansion and turn more potential clients into paying customers. It’s all up to you, the financing companies we represent help you develop the financing programs that are best suited towards the specific, particular needs of your clients. They can afford your services, they just can’t afford to pay for them in full, right now.

The innovative and unique customer financing programs you provide homeowners can increase their spending power and generate more sales and revenue for your business. Our lending partners work with you to build financing programs that offer flexible payment solutions, manageable monthly payments, and competitive interest rates that will allow hesitant customers to move forward with the work they need because they know they don’t have to pay the bill in full all at once. They have choices that make the work more affordable because they can pay it off in installments.

Many contractors have reaped the benefits of this strategic move towards offering customer financing with more jobs, more customers, and more revenue.

Home Improvement Financing for Sustainable Business Growth

How Financing Through Fund My Contract Can Benefit Home Improvement Contractors

Offering financing as part of your sales process allows you to provide customers with the best quality services at a price they can afford. For some contractors, that has been a game changer for accelerating business expansion and saving their company from a the brink of failure.

Consider the many ways that customer financing through Fund My Contract can give your home improvement business a competitive advantage and stay ahead of your financial projections.

Flexible Payment Plans

Our lending partners will help you design the financing programs you wish to offer, with the specific parameters that you feel will give your business the best advantage with your clients. You know them best, you know what makes them wait to start a project and the financial concerns that motivate a reluctance to start the work now.

You set the range of choices with the terms and conditions that apply. If you want to make it easier for customers with damaged credit or no credit history to obtain financing for your services, that’s entirely your decision. We provide access to financing companies who are eager to help you provide financing options to those customers, along with new customers who have excellent credit histories but not enough available cash to pay for the work in full when services are rendered.

We have found that making it easier for customers to pay for the work they need with greater flexibility and more options helps build trust with the public and increases customer satisfaction.

Quick Application Process, Faster Approvals

The sales process for convincing a customer to hire your contracting services can be fraught with pitfalls and snafus that make it harder to achieve success. Fund My Contract is committed to helping your business grow and thrive with overall efficiency. So we’ve made the application process quick and easy. Your customer supplies some basic personal information and the amount requested for financing and he or she can get an answer in minutes – without affecting their credit score.

Once the approval is received and the client continues forth with the financing process, a “hard pull” of their credit score and history is obtained and the customer can find out which financing programs they can qualify for based on their application.

The ability to offer financing and give more customers wider access to the funding they need to hire your services makes this a win-win for both parties.

Financing Through Fund My Contract

Get Paid in Full

When the customer’s application is approved and the funding goes through, the money goes directly to your business at the time you and the customer complete the transaction for your services. Those funds can only be used to hire your business, they can’t be offered to another contractor across the street.

Your business gets paid in full and the client begins making his or her monthly payments as per the financing agreement with the lender. Faster payments means more revenue generated a whole lot quicker.

Start Offering Financing Today with Fund My Contract

Are you ready to give your home improvement business an advantage in a competitive market? Then now’s the time to call one of our home improvement financing experts and discuss the obstacles that have kept your business from growing and learn how financing has helped home improvement professionals like yourself earn positive reviews, buck industry trends, and improve their track record for success.

Call Fund My Contract today and start offering customer financing options that will stimulate business growth like never before.

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